Benefits of Gooseberry
Alma is very high in fiber, like most fruits. Fiber adds bulk to the stool and helps food move through the bowels and keeps your bowel movements regular. This reduces the chances of constipation, and fiber can also bulk up loose stools and reduce diarrhea. Fiber also stimulates the secretion of gastric and digestive juices, so food is digested efficiently, nutrients are absorbed in an optimal way, and you feel lighter and healthier.
Prevents Hair Loss
Diuretic Activity
It is an excellent source of Vitamin C
Relieves menstrual cramping
Prevents Osteoporosis and Arthritis
Preservation of Amla Juice
Health Benefits of Amla
How Many Amla to Eat a Day
Oral Health
Helps in Preventing Premature Graying
Fresh amla pack
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