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Fresh amla pack

Benefits of Gooseberry


Fresh amla pack

Boil amla in water. Remove seeds and crush to get some fresh pulp. Apply this pulp to your skin. Keep it for 10 minutes. Wash your face and apply some honey. Let it remain for 5 minutes before you wash your face. The dried fruit is good for diarrhea and dysentery. A drink made from amla mixed with lemon juice and misri is considered beneficial in controlling acute bacillary dysentery.


Blood Purifier
Lightens the Complexion
Improves the mental functioning
Fights Off Free Radicals
Relieves Constipation And Piles
Skin brightening mask
Improving Appetite
Repairs Damaged Tissues
Scalp Cleansing
Sacred Importance of Indian Gooseberry
Cures Sore Throat and Cold
Amla in your regular diet and beauty routine
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