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Cauliflower and Digestive Support

Benefits of Cauliflower


Cauliflower and Digestive Support

The fiber content of cauliflowerover 9 grams in every 100 caloriesmakes this cruciferous vegetable a great choice for digestive system support. Yet the fiber content of cauliflower is only one of its digestive support mechanisms. Researchers have determined that the sulforaphane made from a glucosinolate in cauliflower (glucoraphanin) can help protect the lining of your stomach. Sulforaphane provides you with this health benefit by preventing bacterial overgrowth of Helicobacter pylori in your stomach or too much clinging by this bacterium to your stomach wall.


Vitamin packed
Crohns disease
Detoxifies the Body System
Its Rich in Vitamins and Minerals
Fight Cancer
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Builds Healthy Immune System
Antioxidants and Phytonutrients Galore
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