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Helps detoxify the body

Benefits of Cabbage


Helps detoxify the body

The high content of vitamin C and sulphur in cabbageremoves toxins(free radicals and uric acid). These are the main causes of arthritis, skin diseases, rheumatism and gout. Bokchoy or Chinesecabbage features a long cylindrical shape, comprising of short, compact leaves. It is derived from different species of the same Brassica genus of vegetables. Bokchoy characteristically has a vigorous growth pattern.


Deficiency of Roughage
Muscle Aches
Nutritional Benefits
Detoxification by cabbage
Fight infections in wounds
Helps prevent cancer
Helps detoxify the body
Cabbage is anything but boring
Eating cabbage is like taking a multivitamin
Bone Health
cancer preventative
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