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History of Black beans

Benefits of Beans


History of Black beans

Black beans and other beans such as pinto beans, navy beans, and kidney beans are all known scientifically asPhaselous vulgaris. (This scientific name refers to the genus and species of the plant; navy, kidney, pinto, etc. are different varieties of beans, all found within the speciesvulgaris). The word common is used to describe all of these different varieties, since the wordvulgarisin Latin means common. The common bean originated in parts of Central and South America. Even though the common bean falls into a different scientific category than the soybean, research in comparative genetics has shown that these two types of beans (Phaselous vulgarisandGlycine max) share many interesting genetic aspects.


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Digestive Tract Benefits
Dry Beans Provide Beneficial Dietary Fiber
Haricot Beans Nutrition
Nutritional Profile
Antioxidant Support from Green Beans
Protein Power Plus
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Benefits for Blood Sugar Regulation
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