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Use a Sled for Explosive Pulls Instead

Healthy Shoulder


Use a Sled for Explosive Pulls Instead

Louie Simmons turned me onto sled work back in the 90s and I have found it to be an invaluable asset in the training of clients ever since. A great way to use the sled is to replace barbell Olympic lifts with explosive sled pulls.Simply hook up a pair of TRX straps to the sled, get in the same position you would be to start a high pull (except that your hands will be out in front of you holding the straps instead of by your knees holding the bar) and then explode up the same way you would with a bar, shooting for triple extension while pulling the straps up toward your chest. Walk backwards to pull out the slack in the straps, bend over and repeat for the prescribed number of reps.This is an awesome way to get explosive pulling in and simulate Olympic lifts when you cant do them due to shoulder problems.


Initiate Each Rep on Curls With a Slight Cheat
Use a Sled for Explosive Pulls Instead
Do Vertical Pressing Before Horizontal Pressing
Dont do Curls on the Same Day You Do Heavy Pressing
At the End of Each Set of Military Presses You Do Hold the Bar in the Top Position
Use a Swiss Bar Instead of Straight Bar for Horizontal Pressing
Check your overhead position
Never Bench Press With a Wide Grip
Eliminate the Eccentric Component of Olympic Lifts by Dropping the Bar
Do Kettlebell Turkish Get Ups
Swap Out Bench Presses For Low Incline Presses
Dont Bench Like A Bodybuilder
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