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Eliminate the Eccentric Component of Olympic Lifts by Dropping the Bar

Healthy Shoulder


Eliminate the Eccentric Component of Olympic Lifts by Dropping the Bar

Olympic lifting variations can be hard on those with shoulder injuries mainly because of the stress that comes from lowering a heavy load so rapidly. If you do high pulls with a lot of weight it can yank away pretty good at those shoulders on the way down, no matter how good your technique is. The simple solution is to simply do singles and drop the bar between each rep.


Use a Sled for Explosive Pulls Instead
Check your overhead position
Do Band Pull Aparts
Dont do Incline Curls at an Angle Any Lower Than 60 Degrees
Know Your Limits
Do Kettlebell Snatches
Dont Do Excessively Heavy Weighted Chin Ups
Never Bench Press With a Wide Grip
Use a Swiss Bar Instead of Straight Bar for Horizontal Pressing
Dont do Curls on the Same Day You Do Heavy Pressing
Include more horizontal pulling movements in your training
Do Kettlebell Turkish Get Ups
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