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Healthy Neck



Once you are feeling well enough and your doctor gives permission, practice stretching exercises to both relieve neck pain and improve your flexibility. Its best to perform these exercises after warming up muscles with a warm shower, bath, or towel.Here are a few simple stretches for cervical disc disease that you can do at home: 1. Slowly turn your head to the left. With your left hand, apply very light tension on your chin so that your head turns slightly more. Hold for 20 seconds and return your head slowly to center. Repeat on the right side.2. Tilt your head to the left and try to touch your left ear to your shoulder. With your left hand, apply light pressure on your temple. Hold for 20 seconds and repeat on the right side. 3. Bend your head forward and try to touch your chin to your chest. Relax the shoulders as you do this. Hold for 20 seconds and repeat. 4. Lie on your back with your knees bent and a pillow under your head and neck for support. Nod your head forward gently, as though you were saying yes. Hold the position for 10 seconds and then relax. Repeat 10 times. If you feel significant discomfort with any of these stretches, stop immediately.


Use a sit stand workstation
Place any devices you use frequently such as your mouse and keyboard within easy reach
Backward Extension
Focus on magnesium intake
Alternate your hands
Reposition your monitor
Center your monitor
Avoid situations that trigger neck pain
Customize your chair
Lateral Flexion to Right
Use a forearm rest
Get a headset for your phone
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