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Folate Folic Acid



Folate Folic Acid

  • Part of the B-vitamin family; known as folate when it occurs in foods, or as folic acid when present in supplements or added to foods.
  • Required for cell division, growth, amino acid metabolism, enzyme reactions, and production of RNA, DNA, and red blood cells.
  • Used for heart health (lowers homocysteine) and prevention of cancer (colon and cervical) and birth defects (neural tube).
  • Deficiency occurs in alcoholics and those with poor diets, and causes anemia, fatigue, weakness, headache, hair loss, diarrhea, and poor immune function. Pregnancy or cancer results in increased rates of cell division and metabolism, increasing the need for folate.
  • Drugs that deplete folate: non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen and aspirin, phenytoin, methotrexate phenobarbital, cholestyramine, colestipol, trimethoprim, and sulfasalazine.
  • Supplements are recommended for most adults for heart and cancer protection, and especially for pregnant women; multivitamins typically provide the recommended amount of 400 mcg per day.

  • Food Sources : Dark leafy vegetables, fortifi ed cereals, citrus fruits, and legumes
  • Adequate Intake : (mcg/day)
    Men = 400
    Women = 400
    Pregnancy = 600
    Lactation = 500
  • Upper Limit : Men = 1,000
    Women = 1,000
    Pregnancy = 1,000
    Lactation = 1,000
  • Side Effects : No adverse effects known from foods or supplements

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