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Honeybees are assigned jobs based on their age

Facts About Bees You Probably Didnt Know


Honeybees are assigned jobs based on their age

Those who are just 12 days old usually clean cells trees pollination is the task for the oldest ones


Honeybees communicate with each other by dancing
Bees dont generally die when they sting
Harvard University is currently trying to create robotic honey bees since the honey bee population is declining
Honeybees are assigned jobs based on their age
Beekeepers in France discovered blue and green honey
Bees and butterflies like drinking crocodile tears
Bees can be trained to detect bombs
You can send live bees to people using the United States Postal Service
During the 1400s
Bees normally buzz in the key of A
Bumble Bees perform small warmup exercises before taking flight
It takes 8 bees all their life to make one single teaspoon full of honey
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