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Welsh Terrier

Dog Breeds


Welsh Terrier

The Welsh Terrier is a Welsh breed of dog. It was originally bred for hunting fox, rodents and badger,but during the last century it has mainly been bred for showing. Despite this, it has retained its terrier strength of character. The Welsh Terrier originates from Wales and has been claimed to be the oldest existing dog breed in the UK according to research.The Welsh Terrier was a latecomer to the British show-ring (being primarily a working dog) and was not officially registered as a breed until the 19th century. It is currently on the UK Kennel Clubs list of breeds that are in danger of dying out, having as few as 300 or so pups registered annually, as compared to the nation's most popular breeds that are registered in the tens of thousands each year. The Welsh Terrier is colored tan on the head, legs and underbelly while having a black or sometimes grizzle saddle.This is not always the case with female terriers as they are sometimes a simple darker tan all over. The breed is a sturdy and compact dog of about medium size that can grow up to 15.5 in (39 cm) with a weight of 20?22 pounds (9.1?10.0 kg). The tail was usually docked until this was prohibited in the United Kingdom in 2006, being preferred in order to complete the image of a square dog, as tall as it is long. The body shape is rectangular, with elongated, brick-like face. This shape is formed by the whiskers and beard. With pedigrees the face can take a more oval shape and be finer boned and more distinct.


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