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Tips for Preparing Green Peas

Benefits of Peas


Tips for Preparing Green Peas

Before you remove the peas from the pod, rinse them briefly under running water. To easily shell them, snap off the top and bottom of the pod and then gently pull off the thread that lines the seam of most peapods. For those that do not have threads, carefully cut through the seam, making sure not to cut into the peas. Gently open the pods to remove the seeds, which do not need to be washed since they have been encased in the pod.


Available in winter from December
Peas for Glowing Skin
Stomach cancer prevention
Healthy bones
Helps reduce depression
Healthy for the environment
Prevents Hair Loss
Prevention of wrinkles Alzheimers
Tips for Preparing Green Peas
Health Benefits
Alzheimers and Arthritis
Benefits of B Vitamins
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