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Best Foods to Eat If You Start Feeling Sick



Ginseng is a popular ingredient in energizing drinks and cold remedy medications. One popular pill brand promises shorter illnesses with continued consumption of their ginseng product. You can easily make ginseng drinks and soup at home and forgo these manufactured concoctions. You can find ginseng at Asian grocery stores in dried and powdered form. Add ginseng to your honey tea and pop a root in your broth as you simmer soup. It will help reenergize your body, and reduce the duration and severity of your sickness. According to a study from Georgia State University, red ginseng extract was able to effectively ward off influenza A viral infection. The study examined a group of mice infected with influenza A viral infection and given ginseng as treatment over a lengthy duration. Findings showed that mice who took the ginseng produced grater levels of flufighting antiviral proteins, resulting in an improved ability to fight the influenza and prevent future flu.


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