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Swiss Chard Contains Almost As Much Vitamin K as Collard Greens

Benefits of Swiss Chard


Swiss Chard Contains Almost As Much Vitamin K as Collard Greens

The gorgeous green leaves and the juicy stems of the Swiss chard (Beta vulgaris subsp. cicla) are packed full of vitamin K. In fact, eating a handful of fresh Swiss chard provides your body with almost as much vitamin K as eating a handful of collard greens. As you may already know, collard greens are considered a superfood par excellence, and they are particularly famous for their extremely high vitamin K content.


Why It s Healthy
Swiss Chard Contains Almost As Much Vitamin K as Collard Greens
Eye Health
A Low Calorie Food with Weight Loss Benefits
Swiss Chard and Oxalates
Blood Pressure and Heart Health
Rich source of minerals
Improve digestion
Swiss Chard Packs a Carotenoid Punch
Swiss chard contains oxalic acid
Very low in calories
Safety profile
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