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Can cure burnt skin

Benefits of Onions


Can cure burnt skin

Onion juice can cure burnt skin or an insect bite or a bee bite. It may burn more but it can heal it very effectively. The benefits of onion in this overall dietary context extend to prevention of heart attack. In virtually all of these diet based studies, participants with the greatest intake of vegetables (including onions) gain the most protection. The outstanding flavonoid content of onions supports these research findings. Its also interesting to note that onion is most commonly consumed in relatively small amounts along with other foods rather than by itself.


Cure for fever
Anti Inflammatory Benefits
Onions can be added to salads
Treatment of Thinning Hair
Cure in insomnia
Use for Snake Bite
Use in Asthma
Red Onions
Antioxidants and anitibotics
To Protect Against Heart Failure
Protects the good cholesterol
Use in Heat Stroke or Sunstroke
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