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Colon cancers

Benefits of Onions


Colon cancers

Onions can be used to prevent cancers. It works against head, neck and colon cancers. the high sulfur content of onions may provide direct benefits to our connective tissue. Many of our connective tissue components require sulfur for their formation. For example, with the exception of hyaluronic acid, all glycosaminoglycans (GAGS) are sulfated. (GAGS are the premiere family of molecules found in the ground substance of our connective tissue.)


Slow down the bleeding
Help in removing moles
Protects the good cholesterol
Tricks to remove dark patchesor pigments
Lightens the Complexion
Yellow Onions
Ancient healing
Use in Digestion Problems
Use in Acidity
Cure ear and eye problems
To Increase Mothers Milk
Use in Baldness
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