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Jolada rotti

What to Eat in Karnataka


Jolada rotti

Jolada rotti is a specialty North Karnataka unleavened Indian bread made out of jowar (Sorghum). The name literally translates into sorghum bread. Jolada rotti is part of the staple diet of most of the districts of North Karnataka, where it is eaten with pulse curries such as Jhunka, enne gai or with assorted chutnies. Jollad Rotti is eaten with the following curries (Pallya): Stuffed bell pepper, stuffed brinjal (yengai), Bijapur style Brinjal (Tumbagayi) and Jawari Pundi Pallya, hesar kaalu, jhunkad vadi and any fresh salads. Chutneys that go well with jollad rotti include Shenga Hindi (a kind of peanut chutney with garlic), and aradidda khara. Jollad rotti can also be eaten with hot jhunka or pitla, known as jhunka bhakri or pitla bhakri; this is a famous combination in Belgaum and Maharashtra.


Ragi mudde
Akki rotti
Jolada rotti
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