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Alyssum Saxatile



Alyssum Saxatile

As this plant has very generally obtained in gardens and nurseries the name of yellow Alyssum, we have retained it, for though it is not the only one of the genus which produces yellow flowers, it may still be called yellow by way of eminence, such is the extreme brilliancy and profusion of its blossoms.It is a native of Crete, and was first cultivated in this country by Mr. Miller, in 1731, at Chelsea garden.It begins to flower about the latter end of April, and continues to blossom through great part of May, and it is not uncommon for it to flower again in autumn.If it has a pure air and a dry situation, it will grow in almost any soil.The usual mode of propagating it is by slips, or cuttings. As it is a small, shewy, hardy plant, and not disposed to over run others, it is very suitable to embellish rock work.


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