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Seek out necessary resources

Tips to succeed in Love


Seek out necessary resources

When you stop learning you should be dead I mean that literally. The time to learn is now and always. Read books, go to seminars, buy programs that will help you advance, attend retreats, talk to your mentors, have lunch with the CEO of your company and other successful people in life, and do whatever it takes to develop the necessary tools for obtaining massive success, abundance and overflowing love. No need to wait until the need arises to learn a new skill, by that time you are already behind the curve. Add the knowledge to your toolbox and when needed you will instinctively use what you already know.


Make peace with your sexuality
Create a we that can house two Is
Separate the facts from the feelings
Develop Compassion
Make time for your relationship
He keeps his balance
Walk the walk
Everyone is different
Get clear
Relish the differences between you
Partner heal thyself
Connect with the different parts of yourself
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