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Set forth your intentions

Tips to succeed in Love


Set forth your intentions

You cannot hit a target if you cannot see it. Once you have become clear about what you want from your career and in your love life then you can start to visualize yourself in that space. If you have been unfulfilled in past relationships, with lovers and workplace it will be challenging get out of the cycle of being unfulfilled. Visualizing yourself as you would like to experience your relationships and successful career opens your mind on a subconscious level to the belief that obtaining these things is actually a possibility for YOU. Hitting your target is much easier if you can see what it is that you are aiming for, so set forth your intentions.


Walk the walk
Say the hard things from love
Separate the facts from the feelings
Develop Compassion
He holds out for the best
Get clear
Ask questions
Relish the differences between you
Make time for your relationship
Connect with the different parts of yourself
Partner heal thyself
Love well
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