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Prepare Yourself

Tips to get ready for Office


Prepare Yourself

Every candidate, even veterans of the political process, must take a personal inventory before each election to be sure that private and family issues are taken care of before the campaign starts. This includes making sure that the candidate does not have any financial, personal, or legal issues which may come up and hurt him or her during the campaign. The candidate should also make sure that he or she can make the time commitment and family commitment that running for and holding office entails.


Meet with Leaders
Meet the Press
Plan the outfits you re going to wear during the first week of office
Be Prepared
Scour the News
Change Room Amenities
Gym Showers Aren t That Scary
Try to join clubs or do sports
Have at least eight to eleven hours of sleep
Make sure everything is clearly documented
All you have to do is be yourself because if you re acting like someone else then no one will really know who you are
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