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Anti aging

Benefits of Durian


Anti aging

Durian was often hailed as a tool to battle aging, and was one of the main reasons why people call it the powerking of fruitspower. It turns out that durian has a wide variety of antioxidant properties stemming from its vitamin and organic chemical makeup that actively reduce the amount of free radicals in the body. Eating an excessive amount of durian can seriously boost your bodypowers ability to eliminate those free radicals, therebyreducing the chances of premature agingand delaying the appearance of symptoms such as wrinkles, age spots, macular degeneration, hair loss, tooth loosening, arthritis, cancer, and heart disease.


History of Durian
Vitamins and Minerals
It helps to fight inflammation
Interesting Durian Facts
Prevents premature aging
Durian Cakes and candies
The Fat of the Matter
Bursting with nutrients
Improve Digestion
sweet and buttery taste
Helps maintain a healthy thyroid Copper 25%
Preparation and serving methods
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