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Scour the News

Tips to get ready for Office


Scour the News

It is of utmost importance that candidate and potential candidates stay up on current events, both in the world at large and in the local community. Set aside some time each day to read through the local newspapers, magazines, and watch local news reports. If the district is large, have volunteers in various parts of the district clip news items of interest and send them to the candidate for review. Also, be sure to keep up with the latest political campaign trends and tactics. One great way to do that is by subscribing to the Local Victory Newsletter.


Practice Speaking
All you have to do is be yourself because if you re acting like someone else then no one will really know who you are
Make sure everything is clearly documented
Make sure you eat breakfast in the morning
Go to Meetings
Try to join clubs or do sports
Gym Showers Aren t That Scary
Start Your Research
Plan the outfits you re going to wear during the first week of office
Have at least eight to eleven hours of sleep
Change Room Amenities
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