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Learning should be hard at first

Things Successful Teachers Do Differently


Learning should be hard at first

One finding that may surprise you is that approaches that appear to make learning harder in the short term can actually lead to students retaining more information in the long term. Elizabeth Ligon Bjork, professor at the University of Michigan and Robert Bjork, professor at the University of California, said that varying the type of tasks you ask pupils to do improves retention even though it makes learning harder initially.


Make your lesson relevant to their lives
Praise can do more harm than good
Successful teachers are able to live without immediate feedback
Successful teachers are not threatened by parent advocacy
Successful teachers are reflective
Teach in a variety of ways
Be their friend but dont go too far
Successful teachers have a sense of purpose
Successful teachers are consistent
Assign relevant homework
Successful teachers are comfortable with the unknown
Successful teachers never stop learning
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