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Successful teachers are comfortable with the unknown

Things Successful Teachers Do Differently


Successful teachers are comfortable with the unknown

Its difficult to teach in an environment where you dont know the future of your classroom budget, the involvement of your students parents, or the outcome of all your hard work. On a more philosophical level, educators who teach the higher grades are tasked with teaching students principles that have a lot of unknowns (i.e. physics). How comfortable are you with not having all the answers? Good teachers are able to function without everything tied up neatly in a bow.


Consider giving quizzes
Successful teachers have a positive attitude
Your time should be used wisely
Successful teachers teach
Instruction matters
Successful teachers communicate with parents
Think about teacher student relationships
Successful teachers never stop learning
Successful teachers take time to explore new tools
Set a good example to your students
Never let your students down when they come to you with their problems
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