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Make your lesson relevant to their lives

Things Successful Teachers Do Differently


Make your lesson relevant to their lives

If you want your students to remember your lessons, just try to connect the information you provide with some moments of your students' life. You can use some of them as an example, describing this or that situation: it would be more interesting for them to visit such lessons, but not those boring ones where you try to explain them the importance of differential equations for our science. Just try to come up with an example, how these differential equations can help THEM in the future.


Learning should be hard at first
Successful teachers never stop learning
Assign relevant homework
Successful teachers have a sense of humor
Successful teachers are masters of their subject
Be firm
Successful teachers are able to live without immediate feedback
Set some ground rules
Teach in a variety of ways
Manage behaviour
Believe in them
Successful teachers teach
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