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Praise can do more harm than good

Things Successful Teachers Do Differently


Praise can do more harm than good

The wrong kind of praise can be harmful for students, the report found. A number of studies conducted by education experts, including Carol Dweck professor of psychology at Stanford University and Auckland University professors John Hattie and Helen Timperley, have observed this.
Deborah Stipek, the dean of the Stanford Graduate School of Education, said that praise is meant to be encouraging but it can actually convey a teachers low expectations. Stipek said that if a pupils failure was met with sympathy rather than anger then they were more likely to think they had done badly due to a lack of ability.
The report adds the caveat that the findings are open to interpretation, however, as teachers can do things well or badly, and some methods are not appropriate in all circumstances.


Believe in them
Successful teachers know how to take risks
Teacher beliefs count
Successful teachers expect their students to succeed
Successful teachers welcome change in the classroom
Successful teachers give their students emotional support
Be their friend but dont go too far
Manage behaviour
Praise can do more harm than good
Set a good example to your students
Successful teachers teach
Your time should be used wisely
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