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Successful teachers are able to live without immediate feedback

Things Successful Teachers Do Differently


Successful teachers are able to live without immediate feedback

There is nothing worse than sweating over a lesson plan only to have your students walk out of class without so much as a smile or a, Great job teach Its hard to give 100% and not see immediate results. Teachers who rely on that instant gratification will get burned out and disillusioned. Learning, relationships, and education are a messy endeavor, much like nurturing a garden. It takes time, and some dirt, to grow.


Learning should be hard at first
Theres no evidence that setting works
Successful teachers have a positive attitude
Never let your students down when they come to you with their problems
Teacher beliefs count
Successful teachers have clear objectives
Think about teacher student relationships
Your time should be used wisely
Be compassionate
Make your lesson relevant to their lives
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