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Halibut is a large flatfish found in the northern waters of both the Atlantic and the Pacific oceans. As one of the largest of the flatfish, it has a slightly higher mercury level than flounder and haddock. As a “moderate” mercury fish, halibut is still safe to eat, but don’t have it more than six times a month. It has a very strong complement of vitamins and minerals.
Nutritional Facts :
Three ounces of halibut cooked by dry heat provides 19 calories, 0 g carbohydrate, 22.7 g protein, 2.5 g fat, 0 g dietary fiber, 35 mg cholesterol, 152 IU vitamin A, 6 mg niacin, 1.2 mcg vitamin B12, 12 mcg folic acid, 490 mg potassium, 59 mg sodium, 242 mg phosphorus, 51 mg calcium, 0.91 mg iron, and 91 mg magnesium.


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