Tofu is another soy-based protein source, made from dried soybeans that have been soaked and dried, then put through a process much like that used to make cheese.
A coagulating substance is added, which curdles the soy milk, and then the mixture can be cut, strained, and pressed, producing tofus with different degrees of firmness.
This range of textures allows tofu to take on many roles in cooking, bringing soy’s high protein, minerals, and isoflavones to a variety of foods. Because of the degree of processing that the soybeans undergo, tofu has much less fiber than soy foods that use the whole bean.
Nutritional Facts :
One-half cup of raw, firm tofu provides 183 calories, 5.4 g carbohydrate, 19.9 g protein, 11 g fat, 2.9 g dietary fiber, 209 IU vitamin A, 37 mcg folic acid, 299 mg potassium, 18 mg sodium, 239 mg phosphorus, 258 mg calcium, 13 mg iron, 118 mg magnesium, 1.98 mg zinc, and 1.49 mg manganese.