Hemp Seed
Hemp Seed
Hemp seeds are a great source of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, both known as “essential” fatty acids. Essential fatty acids are necessary for specific biological processes, but the body cannot make them. These fatty acids are believed to reduce various cardiovascular risks and may also help prevent some forms of cancer. Hemp seeds are a phenomenal source of protein—11 grams of protein in just 3 tablespoons of seeds. Hemp seeds provide calcium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, copper, manganese, and vitamin E.
Although hemp comes from the same family as the plant commonly known as marijuana that is grown for its psychoactive and medicinal effects, the varieties of hemp that are used for food and fiber have a negligible amount of the psychoactive chemical THC.
Nutritional Facts :
Three tablespoons of shelled hemp seed provides 160 calories, 7 g carbohydrate, 11 g protein, 9.8 g fat, 1 g dietary fiber, 57 mg calcium, 5 mg iron, 320 mg potassium, 3.6 IU vitamin E, 210 mcg folic acid, 360 mg phosphorus, 171 mg magnesium, 3 mg zinc, and 3 mg manganese.