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Start a Hobby

Before you even think about what you want to do start saving up
Figure out what you want to do
Now that you know what you want to do ask yourself Am I ready to spend a lot of time on this a lot of money and do I enjoy what I am about to do
This may sound like a no brainer but not a lot of people do it
Start your hobby
When you finish your first project show off
Think of a hobby that might interest you
Look at the walls in your post office and think about collecting stamps and what you might need to do to start and maintain a stamp collection
Discover art for a hobby
Write novels and short stories
Enjoy sport as a hobby
Maybe electronics is the hobby for you
Take up an outdoor activity
Take up an indoor activity
Combine indoor and outdoor activities
Take up woodworking
Consider miniatures
Try browsing through mugup info
Starting Your Hobby Farm
Talk to Your Neighbors
Set Your Budget
Tailor your search to what you need and what you can afford
Wait For What You Really Want
Monitor and Reassess
Who wants what I make How much will they pay for it
Am in the right place and time to be offering this
Am I willing to make this a full time business And can it truly support my lifestyle
Bottom line
Wait until you have researched the initial cost and the long term expense and time needed before jumping into a hobby
Get a coach
Get started on your hobby
Display your hobby or compete
Go to the book store
Learn a Martial art
Investigate religion
Explore asceticism
Build a bunker to protect you from the apocalypse
Learn to do magic
Play music
Complete a list
Give up a vice
Dumpster diving
Graphing progress
Bird watching
Learn a language
Educate yourself
Start a blog
Urban exploration
Surfing the internet
Keep abreast of news and current affairs
Web design
Play free games online
eBay arbitrage
Play online poker
Become a Wikipedia editor
Watch documentaries
Sign up to Freecycle
Learn how to program
Guerrilla gardening
Bush walking
Urban fruit picking
Find free food in the country side
Couch surfing
Travel the world by house sitting
Van Dwelling
Become a caretaker
Become a landlord
Run a stall at a local market
Get a part time job
Hosting board game nights
Charting your family history
Get to know someone
Listen to music
Play with your children
Play cards
Host a regular dinner party
Play chess
Play a low entry cost sport
Host a quiz night
Run a side business
Dexterity skills
Scrap booking
Home brewing
Learn to sing
Learn to cut your hair
Keep chickens
Volunteer your time
Follow a sports team
Mentor an at risk child
Lobby the government
Start a community garden
Found a charity group
Organize fundraising
Join the board of a community group
Donate blood
Go to free community events
Improve the environment
Evaluate your joy factor
Evaluate the market
Create a marketing plan
Build a Web presence
Decide on your distribution strategy
Choose a name
Make it real
Do the math
Buy right
Cultivate supplier relationships
Stay on top of marketing
Watch the cash flow
Stick with what you know
More ...

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