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Start a Hobby



Your hobby should not be at the expense of your study or your work.Donot get too hooked on the hobby or you might go broke or lose relationships with the ones you love. Remember spending time with loved ones can make very special memories for you and for them.Always get the best instructions on how to make things or do them. If it is sport, be very careful to warm up properly and do not attempt to do anything difficult unless you have had proper training. If it is making something, read the instructions carefully and be patient. If you are handling anything dangerous, either seek assistance from someone else like a parent, colleague or professional or follow the instructions exactly.Regardless of what your hobby is, study safety rules related to it and obey them strictly.When you get good at your hobby, seriously weigh the choice of going professional.Never steal supplies for your hobby for one; it is illegal and you do not want to make a negative image around your hobby.Do not start a hobby that would be expensive to start and maintain if you have to use money budgeted for family expenses or a college fund for you or your children.It may stop being fun or relaxing when you need to meet deadlines and keep consistent professional quality. If you do go professional, look for a new hobby thats unrelated to take its place as something you relieve stress with and have no expectations of anything but enjoyment with.Don't make it so complicated or dull. This will discourage you and decrease the chance of doing it over and over so try to fill it with life. For example, you can dance on music instead of dancing freely without a rhythm.Do it with a group of people. This will make it more fun and you would enjoy it as a group more as you will not feel lonely and depressed.If you would prefer to do it alone you can but do not make it so boring.


Urban exploration
Who wants what I make How much will they pay for it
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Display your hobby or compete
Before you even think about what you want to do start saving up
Now that you know what you want to do ask yourself Am I ready to spend a lot of time on this a lot of money and do I enjoy what I am about to do
Make it real
Am I willing to make this a full time business And can it truly support my lifestyle
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Get started on your hobby
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