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Ayurvedic Medicine



Chrysanthemum (E), Indian chrysanthemum (E), Gundandi (H):

Sevanti derives from the word seva meaning 'service' as it encourages humility and devotion. Its lightness balances the heavy intensity of pitta. Its sweet aroma awakens the heart and cools the agitation of an imbalanced pitta. It goes straight to the eyes and skin via the liver.

Lungs Acute upper respiratory infections with heat; sore throat, fever, thirst, headaches, general malaise. It can be useful in reducing fevers through mild diaphoresis. Eyes Chrysanthemum morifolium is a specific remedy for eye inflammation, swelling, redness, dryness and itching as it regulates alocaka and ran˜jaka pitta. Specifically indicated for conjunctivitis, styes and inflamed eyelids from eczema and red eyes. It makes the eyes bright and beautiful . Liver Its mild, bitter taste increases liver function and its gentle sweetness 'smoothes' the flow of pitta between the stomach (amas´aya) and liver (yakrt). It is indicated in bilious conditions, sour taste in the mouth and hypochondrial pain under the ribs. Nerves Used to reduce hypertension and stress from high pitta or irritation. When vata pushes pitta to the head and they mix together, headaches, dizziness and insomnia can occur. Used on the emotional level for clearing the heat of anger. Skin Chrysanthemum indica is very bitter and is used for hot, inflamed and suppurating skin problems caused by aggravated pitta and kapha.


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