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Rules to play Lacrosse



The crease is a large circle that is clearly marked. If an offensive player steps into the crease illegally, possession is forfeited to the opposite team.There is not a minimum amount of time that a team has to possess the ball for before they score. Scoring can and does happen quickly.There is not a minimum amount of passes that need to take place before a player can shoot. Theoretically, a player could march down the field him or herself without ever passing the ball and still score.


Hold the stick in the proper way
Lacrosse Helmet maintenance
Cradle and shoot with both hands
Understand the rules associated with timing
Assess penalties
Learn to pass
Understand other unique rules of gameplay
Know the positions of lacrosse
Get your hands on a stick
Learn to read the field and know when to move off the ball
Understand possession and offsides
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