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Weather sources we use

Rules to play Hot Air Ballooning


Weather sources we use

We use a vast array of sources to arrive at our go, no go decision. Most of our information comes from FAA mandated briefing sites that require a pilots license to access and a log in. You should know that we are required, by Federal Air Regulations, to obtain a complete weather briefing prior to every flight.

Many passengers obtain their own weather information from one of the many sites available on the internet we encourage you to take an active role in your flight but remember, we are looking at very different aviation weather information. Many of the reports available to the general public do not contain the information required for a pilot the FAA only recognizes a weather briefing provided by a Flight Service Station, or one of two Direct User Access Terminals (DUAT). We will be happy to discuss our decision with you but, the pilot in command is the final authority on a flight.


Night flight
Poor visibility
Weather sources we use
Winds aloft
Balloon basics
Level flight
Excitement buzz
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