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Time out

Rules to play Foosball


Time out

Each team is allowed two time outs per game during which the players may leave the table. Such time outs shall not exceed 30 seconds. If the ball is in play, time out may be called only by the team in possession of the ball, and then only if the ball is completely stopped. If the ball is not in play, either team may call time out. Rules Clarification August 1996 When calling a time out while the ball was in play, a team is allowed to take a second time out (providing they have one left) as long as they do not begin to put the ball back into play (by moving the ball). During an official time out, a team may not request a time out unless they would have otherwise been allowed to do so had the official time out not been called. Either team may take the full 30 seconds, even if the team that called the time out does not wish to take the full allotment. Either team may switch positions during a time out . A time out called between games shall apply to the following game to be played in counting time outs per game. A player who removes both hands from the handles and turns completely away from the table while the ball is in play shall be considered to have requested a time out. A player can take his hands from the handles to wipe them off before a shot, as long as it doesnt take more than two or three seconds. However the time limits continue to run while the player wipes his hands. The team on defense should not relax if the opponent takes his hand(s) off the rod. Either team member may call time out when either he or his partner has the ball. The time out starts the moment the time out is called. If the team with the ball attempts a shot or pass immediately after requesting a time out, the play shall not count, and the team shall be charged with a distraction rather than a time out. If the team in possession of the ball calls a time out while the ball is in play and moving, that team shall lose possession, and the ball shall be served by the opposing forward. If the team not in possession of the ball calls a time out when the ball is in play, that team shall be charged with a distraction. If a team is not ready to play at the end of the 30 second period, that team shall be charged with another time out. A team calling and/or charged with more than two time outs per game shall be charged with an automatic technical foul. The technical foul shall be shot before the 30 second period is granted. A team charged with a time out shall always be given the full 30 second period, even if they have previously taken two time outs, and either team may switch positions during this time. Once a player begins to put the ball back into play following a time out (by moving the ball), a time out may not be called again until the ball has left the current rod of possession. Penalty for violation of this rule is loss of possession, and the ball shall be served by the opposing forward. The team shall not be charged with a time out. During a time out a player may reach into the play area to spray the rods, wipe the playfield, etc. The ball may be picked up by hand, as long as it is returned to its original position before play is continued. During a time out the player may not move the ball from man to man without the permission of the official, as this can be considered practice. Penalty for violation of this rule is loss of possession and the ball shall be served by the opposing forward. If the official present feels that it would be impossible to be sure of accurately replacing the ball to the exact position it occupied at the time of a time out, they may deny a request to pick up the ball (example: a ball precariously perched on the edge of the goal).


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