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Riser platforms

Rules to play Arm Wrestling


Riser platforms

Riser platforms can be used by competitors who have a height disadvantage. Riser platforms can be used in combination with platform shoes or multiple platforms, to raise the competitor, to at least bring their waist to the table top. Competitors can use a personal riser with prior permission of the Head Referee before the start of contest. For consistency and ease of handling reasons, riser platforms will be built of 1 2 thick plywood, 4 high x 36 wide x 32 deep. They will be notched at the top part, as to fit the table legs on each their respective side, to prevent them form slipping out during competition. Approximately 3 from the top, the notches, on either side will be located. A hand slot will be cut in the center to facilitate the removal and installation of the riser platform.


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