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Wait while Gmail activates Priority Inbox

Precautions while using Securing Email


Wait while Gmail activates Priority Inbox

You will now see that your inbox looks a little different: 1-Important and unread are now listed first. 2-Starred items are listed below in a second list. 3-All other emails are listed after the starred emails as the final list. 4-If you don t want to see the actual emails, you can collapse each set of headers using the tiny black arrows located in each header. The end result will appear very neat.


Email hijacking is a big deal
Denial of Service
Type in the URL of your email provider and log in with your username and password
Growing your e mail database
Never use the same passwords
Switching to a more secure email account
Try to avoid mentioning where you work
Modification of messages
Change back to the ways things used to be
When creating an account
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