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Direct mailing or newsletter

Precautions while using Securing Email


Direct mailing or newsletter

In your next direct mailing or newsletter, include an e-mail solicitation letter, along with a postcard or insert which can be easily filled out and mailed back to your endurance events. We tend to equate e-mail with postal mail in our minds, and most of the time this is fine. We write our messages, send them off, and they are delivered to their destination address as expected. We can send copies to third parties and save a copy for our records. For the purposes of understanding e-mail privacy, though, it is worth keeping in mind that e-mail is different from postal mail in a significant way. Unlike a letter that is carried physically from post box to post office to post office to mail slot, an e-mail message is routed through the Internet by being copied from server to server until it reaches its destination mailbox. Unless it is encrypted (see below) these copies are made in plainly legible text.


Never use the same passwords
Build a regular
Train your Priority Inbox
Traffic analysis
Click your cursor in the Body field of the message
E mail is targeted
Time sensitive information
Denial of Service
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