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Set up a Gmail account to easily access all Google platforms

Precautions while using Securing Email


Set up a Gmail account to easily access all Google platforms

Gmail is an extremely straightforward interface to operate and offers 15 GB of free storage to share between your Google Drive, Gmail, and Google+ accounts. This means you almost never have to delete emails and can simply archive them in case you ever need to recover old messages. The best part about having a Google account is that it lets you access all of your Google platforms from any device, including Google Drive, which organizes text documents, photos, videos, and more, and allows you to share them with your contacts. Gmail allows you to organize your incoming mail into as many folders as you want for maximum organization. Gmail is very effective at blocking junk mail and also does not display banner ads that distract you as you construct emails. Gmail allows you to send 25 MB of attachments in each email.


Train your Priority Inbox
Prominently place contact lists
Limit usage of social networking sites
Visit the website of the email provider of your choice
The Gmail interface
Important to beware
Risks to user
Keeping your webmail private
Replay of previous messages
Email hijacking is a big deal
Grow your database
Enter a subject in the subject bar
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