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Secret questions that beg to be hacked

Precautions while using Securing Email


Secret questions that beg to be hacked

You were probably asked to create the answers to some questions when you opened the account. That way, being able to answer helps to prove that you are the owner of that account. But some of the usual questions and answers make things easy for a hacker to be able to answer them and change the password taking control of the account. For instance, a common question is what high school did you attend or what s your mother s maiden name. In cases like that a little Googling make it easy for a stranger to find the answer. Or the answer may be as close as your listing on or Facebook. Here s what to do. Create goofy responses. What high school did you attend? Why Walt Disney World, of course. Your mom s maiden name? Dracula.


Replay of previous messages
Visit the website of the email provider of your choice
Direct mailing or newsletter
When creating an account
Try to avoid mentioning where you work
E mail generates an immediate response
Time sensitive information
Keeping your webmail private
Set up a Gmail account to easily access all Google platforms
Build a regular
The protection of email
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