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Grow your database

Precautions while using Securing Email


Grow your database

E-mail expands your reach. Grow your database by sending information to your participants and encourage them to forward the message onto their own friends and family. Yes, I know this is what every other tech blogger says every single time. But that has never made people any wiser. Even hackers feel insulted when they come across passwords like sweetlove123 , pass@123 and the like. Google is the best when it comes to putting real effort into securing your email account proactively. You can use special characters, numbers, upper and lower case alphabets of almost any length. My Gmail password is between 60 to 80 characters long and my general rule of thumb is to have a password that only the NSA can hack.


Business email
Direct mailing or newsletter
Grow your database
Find the link on the homepage of your chosen provider that says Sign Up or Create New Account
The protection of email
Modification of messages
Secret questions that beg to be hacked
Visit the website of the email provider of your choice
Type in the URL of your email provider and log in with your username and password
Change back to the ways things used to be
Traffic analysis
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