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Domestic violence is not really that serious

Myth about Anger


Domestic violence is not really that serious

Domestic violence is an illegal act and is considered a crime with serious repercussions. Although there are aspects of domestic violence (example: emotional, psychological, spiritual abuse) that may not be considered criminal in a legal sense, serious and long lasting physical, emotional and spiritual harm can, and often does, occur. Each and every act of domestic violence needs to be taken seriously.


Anger in an aggressive way people listen and I gain respect
People with anger problems speak and act before they think
Anger and Disappointment
Victims provoke their partners violence
Anger results from human conflict
Anger management programs are briefer
Domestic Violence is an anger control issue
Isolated occurrence due to anger or stress
Domestic violence happens only in low income families
Anger is good
Domestic violence is not really that serious
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