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You should wait to tell your child that he or she is adopted until he or she is old enough to understand

Myth about Adoption


You should wait to tell your child that he or she is adopted until he or she is old enough to understand

The child will grow up knowing that his family was created by adoption and understanding that his or her birth mother selflessly planned a wonderful future for her child The child will be grateful for the birth parents choice of adoption


Your child will think adoption is the greatest thing to happen to him
Each child has to have a room of their own
No one can love a child as much as a birth mother or birth father does
Birthmothers will always struggle with the emotional pain of placing a child for adoption
Only married people can adopt
People adopt to save a child
Adoption is an irresponsible act and women who choose adoption take the easy way out
All adopted children will never see their birth parents again
Adoption will complete you
Open adoption causes problems for children
Birth mothers are all teenagers
The Hope of Being Adopted
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