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People adopt to save a child

Myth about Adoption


People adopt to save a child

Adoption should be chosen because someone wishes to be a parent and provide a child with a family Parenthood is a lifetime commitment whether a child is born into a family or adopted into a family Children do not want saviors; they want parents who will love and nourish them as their children


The best way to integrate your new child is to return to normal life
People adopt to save a child
Can I continue with any fertility treatments whilst I apply to adopt
Your child will think adoption is the greatest thing to happen to him
Can I adopt if I smoke
Birthparents who care about their child would never consider adoption
A birth parent or another relative can take an adopted child back
Adopted children are more likely to be troubled than birth children
A birthparent will forget about the child released for adoption
Adoption will complete you
Adoption means abandoning your child
Most adoptive parents are unfit
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