Oceans 11 fake money
Movie Plot Holes and Paradoxes
Oceans 11 fake money
The ultimate robbery has been committed Ocean has successfully tricked Benedict into thinking the entire vault has been rigged with explosives ready to detonate unless he gives them all the dosh. Benedict agrees, but not without calling in a SWAT team to secure the vault and getting his men to intercept the van with his money in. Which they duly do, only to find out that the money has in fact been switched for hundreds of flyers of a lovely Las Vegas night lady. Meanwhile, the SWAT team are actually Ocean s crew who then sneak the real money out. The fake money is the key to it all here, but stop and think for a moment just how did they switch it in the first place? There s literally no time for it to happen and no way it could. Of the three thieves who get into the vault, Yen smuggles his way inside in a tiny cart, while Ocean and Linus rappel themselves down a shaft laced with lasers. Even Soderbergh admitted on the commentary he was stumped on how it was done, so you re in good company.