Iron Man 2 The Whiplash master plan
Movie Plot Holes and Paradoxes
Iron Man 2 The Whiplash master plan
In a stodgy Iron Man 2, Whiplash s attack on the Monaco Grand Prix is a real highlight and a heart pounding action scene. Posing as a pit crew member, Whiplash gets onto the track and directly attacks Tony Stark, who just happens to be driving a racing car, after impulsively deciding he wanted to and chucking his driver out (probably someone who would have won the race like Vettel). So how did Whiplash know he was going to do that? Tony Stark didn t even know he was going to do that until moments before. Is it another case of a villain magically being able to see into the future and being able to plan for everything? (see Skyfall entry later on). Well, actually, I think not. Whiplash knew Tony was likely to be at the Grand Prix it s a lavish event after all. And he knew if he caused some shit, Tony would respond leading to the same fight on the track. He just got lucky with Tony deciding to drive.