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The Matrix Blocking the sun

Movie Plot Holes and Paradoxes


The Matrix Blocking the sun

Humans blocked out the sun in The Matrix, in order to deprive the machines of their energy source. Except that it s also the energy source of our entire eco system, and would have killed us long before those pesky machines. However, you think you re so smart working this out, but then you realise all knowledge about how we think the world works could come from the Matrix. Maybe we don t even need the sun to rely on. Quick, block it out to destroy the machines!


Jurassic Park Geography
The Avengers Why dont they bother keeping an eye on Bruce Banner
The Santa Clause Unobservant parents
Raiders Of The Lost Ark Indy saves Hitler
E T Why doesn t E T just fly after his spaceship
The Shawshank Redemption The poster
Star Trek II Khan knows Chekov
Return Of The Jedi Storm Trooper armour
Gremlins Feeding time
District 9 It has a hole
Octopussy Bond make up artist extraordinaire
The Matrix Blocking the sun
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