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Rules to play Croquet



If a player plays out of turn, there is no penalty. Any ball moved during the out of turn play is replaced to its position prior to the error and play recommences properly. If an out of turn is initially condoned not discovered but then later discovered, only the last ball played out of turn is replaced and the correct ball then proceeds. Example if red plays, then blue plays, then yellow plays, yellow is replaced, and then red plays correctly.

If the striker takes a swing at his her ball and misses entirely, the miss counts as a shot and the turn ends, unless the striker had a second bonus shot.If the strikers mallet accidentally hits another ball other than the striker ball, the shot must be replayed, but with no loss of turn.


Ball off the lawn
How to earn extra shots
Handicap play
The mallets
Sequence of Play
Extra strokes
Starting deadness
Sequence of hoops
Rover balls
Over time play
Finishing and winning the game
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